NEW REPORT: Auriemma Publishes Q1-2023 Issue of Cardbeat US
Auriemma recently published the Q1-2023 Cardbeat US report. The issue examines new card acquisition, outstanding debt, store debit and credit cards, and using rewards points with partner brands. Those interested in learning more about Auriemma’s research or about this issue should contact
Findings include:
Word of mouth, third-party comparison websites, and digital channels are paramount to marketing and customer acquisition strategies.
- Digital information sources like third-party comparison websites (91%) and social media posts (86%) are influential in deciding whether to apply for a payment card among those who used them—over half (56%-58%) ended up applying.
60% of cardholders say they spend multiple days considering a new credit card (38% for debit cards), and over half say the reason is because they want to compare the card to others on the market (54%) and/or do additional research on the card (53%).
- 16% of cardholders say sign-up offers are the primary reason they applied for a credit card and 60% say they have at least a little impact on their decision.
Cardholders with outstanding credit card debt are strategic and intentional with their repayments—84% are paying off the balance as quickly as possible.
- 59% of cardholders say they have an outstanding balance on their credit card(s), averaging $3,233.
- One-fifth are not making any payments towards the balance(s) (22%) and/or are considering filing for bankruptcy (18%).
Tax refunds will most commonly be used to fortify savings (33%) and/or pay off outstanding debts or bills (31%).
Store card ownership has a marked impact on shopping with the brand—51% of store cardholders say their shopping with the merchant has increased since acquiring the card.
- One-fifth (20%) say they have shopped at the store a lot more since getting their store card.
35% of rewards cardholders have transferred rewards to another brand at least once, and one-quarter (24%) have done so multiple times.
Expanding partnerships with brands similar to or different from the card would make over 40% of cardholders use their card more.
- Supermarkets (85%) and gas stations (84%) are the most appealing purchase categories to be partnered with a credit card.
Survey Methodology
This Auriemma Group study was conducted online within the US by an independent field service provider on behalf of Auriemma Group (Auriemma) in February-March 2023 among 888 adult credit cardholders. The number of interviews completed for both is sufficient to allow for statistical significance testing among sub-groups at the 95% confidence level ±5%, unless otherwise noted. The purpose of the research was not disclosed, nor did respondents know the criteria for qualifying.